MQTT eng

Aus Gude Systems GmbH
Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen

This device supports MQTT 3.1.1 to send configured messages and also to receive commands. This chapter is general for all Gude devices, some Gude models do not have switchable ports.
*Default port for an unencrypted connection is port 1883.
*Default port for a TLS secured connection is port 8883.
*If the broker allows anonymous login, username and password are arbitrary, but a username must be specified.
*If multiple MQTT clients are connected to a broker, the names of the clients must be different. For this reason, "client_xxxx" is generated as the default name. Here "xxxx" are the last 4 digits of the MAC address.

Message format

The MQTT messages of the device are always sent in JSON format. E.G..

{"type": "portswitch", "idx": 2, "port": "2", "state": 1, "cause": {"id": 2, "txt": "http"}, "ts": 1632}

This is a switching of the second port to the state on. The source of the switching command is CGI ("http"). The index is always numeric, "port" can also be alphanumeric for devices with multiple banks, e.g. "A2". At the end follows a timestamp ("ts"), which indicates the number of seconds the device is on, or unixtime if the device has synchronized with an NTP server.

MQTT Topic Prefix

The topic prefix for the messages can be set in the MQTT configuration. A default would be e.g. "de/gudesystems/epc/[mac]". Here "[mac]" is a placeholder for the MAC address of the device, another possible placeholder is "[host]", which contains the host name. An example topic for a switching message of the second port would then be:


Executing console commands

The device can be controlled remotely via MQTT using console commands. A list of all commands can be found in the Console chapter. Depending on the topic, the commands are accepted in different formats.
Wichtig zeichen.png As default the execution of commands is not allowed, but must be enabled in the MQTT configuration! ("Permit CLI commands")

Format 1: Command in JSON Syntax

Publish Topic: "de/gudesystems/epc/00:19:32:01:16:41/cmd"

Publish Message: "{"type": "cli", "cmd": "port 2 state set 1", "id": 10}"

Response from device to "de/gudesystems/epc/00:19:32:01:16:41/cmdres"

"{"type": "cli", "cmdres": ["OK."], "result": {"num": 0, "hint": "ok"}, "id": 10}"
Wichtig zeichen.png The JSON object "result" returns whether the command was valid. The object "id" in the command is optional and is passed through in the response from the device. The passed number can help to establish a synchronicity between command and response via the broker.

Format 2: Raw Text

Publish Topic: "de/gudesystems/epc/00:19:32:01:16:41/cmd/cli"
Publish Message: "port 2 state set 1".

Response from device to "de/gudesystems/epc/00:19:32:01:16:41/cmdres/cli"

Format 3: Simplified port switching

Publish Topic: "de/gudesystems/epc/00:19:32:01:16:41/cmd/port/2"
Publish Message: "0" or "1".

Response from device to "de/gudesystems/epc/00:19:32:01:16:41/cmdres/port/2"
"0" or "1"

Wichtig zeichen.png This special form exists only for the port switching commands.

Device Data Summary

In the Device Data Summary the most important data of the device are summarized in a JSON object and sent periodically in a configurable time interval. This summary depends on the properties of the device and the connected sensors, and could look like this:

Topic: en/gudesystems/epc/00:19:32:01:16:41/device/telemetry


Command list

logout go to login prompt when enabled
quit quits telnet session - nothing in serial console
back back one cmd level
help show all cmds from this level
help all show all cmds
clock enters cmd group "clock"
clock ntp enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables ntp
clock ntp enabled show shows if ntp enabled
clock timezone set {minutes} sets timezone
clock timezone show shows timezone
clock dst enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables dst
clock dst enabled show shows if dst is enabled
clock manual set "{hh:mm:ss yyyy-mm-dd}" sets time and date manually
clock show shows actual time and date
clock ntp server {PRIMARY=0|BACKUP=1} set "{dns_name}" sets ntp server name
clock ntp server {PRIMARY=0|BACKUP=1} show shows ntp server name
console enters cmd group "console"
console version shows unique console version number
console telnet enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables telnet on/off
console telnet enabled show shows if telnet enabled
console telnet port set {ip_port} sets telnet port
console telnet port show shows telnet port
console telnet raw set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets raw mode (disables editing) on/off
console telnet raw show shows if raw mode enabled
console telnet echo set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables echo on/off
console telnet echo show shows if echo enabled
console telnet activeneg set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables telnet active negotiation (IAC) on/off
console telnet activeneg show shows if active negotiation enabled
console telnet login set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables login on/off
console telnet login show shows if login enabled
console telnet login local set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables local login on/off
console telnet login local show shows if local login enabled
console telnet login radius set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables login for RADIUS on/off
console telnet login radius show shows if RADIUS login enabled
console telnet login delay set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables delay (after 3 login fails) on/off
console telnet login delay show shows if login delay enabled
console telnet pushmsgs config set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables persistent push msgs
console telnet pushmsgs config show shows if persistent push msgs are enabled
console telnet pushmsgs set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables temporary push msgs
console telnet pushmsgs show shows if temporary push msgs are enabled
console telnet user set "{username}" sets login user name
console telnet user show shows login user name
console telnet passwd set "{passwd}" sets login password
console telnet passwd hash set "{passwd}" sets login hashed password
console ssh enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables SSH
console ssh enabled show shows if SSH enabled
console ssh port set {ip_port} sets SSH port
console ssh port show shows SSH port
console ssh echo set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables echo on/off
console ssh echo show shows if echo enabled
console ssh pushmsgs config set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables persistent push msgs
console ssh pushmsgs config show shows if persistent push msgs are enabled
console ssh pushmsgs set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables temporary push msgs
console ssh pushmsgs show shows if temporary push msgs are enabled
console ssh public hash set "{passwd}" sets hash of SSH public key
console ssh public hash show shows hash of SSH public key
console serial enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables serial console on/off
console serial enabled show shows if serial console enabled
console serial raw set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets raw mode (disables editing) on/off
console serial raw show shows if raw mode enabled
console serial echo set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables echo on/off
console serial echo show shows if echo enabled
console serial kvm set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables binary KVM cmds on serial port on/off
console serial kvm show shows if binary KVM cmds enabled
console serial utf8 set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables UTF8 support
console serial utf8 show shows if UTF8 enabled
console serial login set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables login on/off
console serial login show shows if login enabled
console serial login local set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables local login on/off
console serial login local show shows if local login enabled
console serial login radius set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables login for RADIUS on/off
console serial login radius show shows if RADIUS login enabled
console serial login delay set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables delay (after 3 login fails) on/off
console serial login delay show shows if login delay enabled
console serial pushmsgs config set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables persistent push msgs
console serial pushmsgs config show shows if persistent push msgs are enabled
console serial pushmsgs set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables temporary push msgs
console serial pushmsgs show shows if temporary push msgs are enabled
console serial user set "{username}" sets login user name
console serial user show shows login user name
console serial passwd set "{passwd}" sets login password
console serial passwd hash set "{passwd}" sets login hashed password
email enters cmd group "email"
email enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables email on/off
email enabled show shows if email is enabled
email sender set "{email_addr}" sets email sender address
email sender show shows email sender address
email recipient set "{email_addr}" sets email recipient address
email recipient show shows email recipient address
email server set "{dns_name}" sets email SMTP server address
email server show shows email SMTP server address
email port set {ip_port} sets email SMTP port
email port show shows email SMTP port
email security set {NONE=0|STARTTLS=1|SSL=2} sets SMTP connection security
email security show shows SMTP connection security
email auth set {NONE=0|PLAIN=1|LOGIN=2} sets email authentication
email auth show show email authentication
email user set "{username}" sets SMTP username
email user show shows SMTP username
email passwd set "{passwd}" sets SMTP password
email passwd hash set "{passwd}" sets crypted SMTP password
email testmail send test email
ethernet enters cmd group "ethernet"
ethernet mac show shows MAC address
ethernet link show shows ethernet link state
ethernet phyprefer set {10MBIT_HD=0|10MBIT_FD=1|100MBIT_HD=2|100MBIT_FD=3} sets preferred speed for PHY Auto Negotiation
ethernet phyprefer show shows preferred speed for PHY Auto Negotiation
extinput enters cmd group "extinput"
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} state show shows input state
extinput all state {MODE0=0|MODE1=1|MODE2=2} show shows input state of all ports in 3 different view modes
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} name set "{name}" sets sensor name to label
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} name show shows label of sensor
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} invert enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} inverts input on/off
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} invert enabled show shows if input inverted
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} label {LOW=0|HIGH=1} set "{name}" sets input low/high text
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} label {LOW=0|HIGH=1} show shows input low/high text
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} events set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables input events on/off
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} events show shows if input events are enabled
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} events type set "{EVT_SYSLOG=0,EVT_SNMP=1,EVT_EMAIL=2


enables different event types
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} events type show shows what event types are enabled
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} publish mode set


sets publish mode
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} publish mode show showshows publish mode
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} publish mqtt retain set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets mqtt retain
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} publish mqtt retain show shows if mqtt retain set
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} publish timer set {num_secs} sets publish time interval
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} publish timer show shows publish time interval
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} {LOW=0|HIGH=1} port set {port_num} sets Port for Power Port Switching actions
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} {LOW=0|HIGH=1} port show shows Port for Power Port Switching actions
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} {LOW=0|HIGH=1 state set {OFF=0|ON=1|DISABLED=2} sets Port state for Power Port Switching actions
extinput {port_num} {inp_num} {LOW=0|HIGH=1} state show shows Port state for Power Port Switching actions
extsensor enters cmd group "extsensor"
extsensor all show shows all values from connected external sensors
extsensor all show shows all plugged sensors and fields
extsensor {port_num} {sen_field} value show shows sensor value
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} label set "{name}" sets sensor name to label
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} label show shows label of sensor
extsensor {port_num} type show shows type of sensor
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} events set {off=0|on=1} enables sensor events on/off
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} events show shows if sensor events are enabled
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field}


enables different event types
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} events type show shows what event types are enabled
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field}

events beeper mode set {CONTINOUS=0| INTERMITTENT=1}

sets beeper tone
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} events beeper mode show shows beeper tone
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} maxval set {num} sets maximum value for sensor
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} maxval show shows maximum value for sensor
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} minval set {num} sets minimum value for sensor
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} minval show shows minimum value for sensor
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} hyst set {num} sets hysterese value for sensor
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} hyst show shows hysterese value for sensor
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field}

publish mode set {NONE=0|INTERVAL=1| DELTA=2|INTERV_DELTA=3}

sets publish mode
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} publish mode show shows publish mode
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} publish mqtt retain set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets mqtt retain
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} publish mqtt retain show shows if mqtt retain set
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} publish timer set {num_secs} sets publish time interval
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} publish timer show shows publish time interval
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} publish delta set {float} sets publish delta value
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field} publish delta show shows publish delta value
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field}

{BELOWMIN=0|ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2| BELOWMAX=3} port set {port_num}

sets Port for Power Port Switching actions
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field}


shows Port for Power Port Switching actions
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field}


sets Port state for Power Port Switching actions
extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} {sen_field}


shows Port state for Power Port Switching actions
extsensor period set {24H=0|12H=1|2H=2|1H=3|30MIN=4} sets sensor Min/Max measurement period
extsensor period show shows sensor Min/Max measurement period
extsensor beeper set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables beeper sensor alarms
extsensor beeper show shows if beeper sensor alarms are enabled
extsensor {port_num} {sen_field} calib set {float} sets calibration offset for temperature or humidity
extsensor {port_num} {sen_field} calib show shows calibration offset for temperature or humidity
http enters cmd group "http"
http server set {HTTP_BOTH=0|HTTPS_ONLY=1|HTTP_ONLY=22|HTTPS_REDIR=3} sets accepted connection types
http server show shows accepted connection types
http port set {ip_port} sets http port
http port show shows http port
http portssl set {ip_port} sets https port
http portssl show shows https port
http tls mode set {TLS12=0|TLS13_12=1|TLS13=2|TLS13_12_11=3} restricts TLS mode
http tls mode show shows TLS mode restriction
http auth mode set {BASIC=0|SESSION=1|SESSION_EXT=2} sets http session authentication mode
http auth mode show shows http session authentication mode and compatibility
http passwd enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables http password on/off
http timeout admin set {num_secs} sets admin session timeout
http timeout admin show shows admin session timeout
http timeout user set {num_secs} sets user session timeout
http timeout user show shows user session timeout
http passwd enabled show shows if http password enabled
http passwd local set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables local login on/off
http passwd local show shows if local login enabled
http passwd radius set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables login for RADIUS on/off
http passwd radius show shows if RADIUS login enabled
http passwd user set "{passwd}" sets http user password
http passwd admin set "{passwd}" sets http admin password
http passwd hash user set "{passwd}" sets hashed http user password

http passwd hash admin set "{passwd}" sets hashed http admin password

ip4 enters cmd group "ip4"
ip4 hostname set "{name}" sets device hostname
ip4 hostname show shows device hostname
ip4 address set "{ip_address}" sets IPv4 address
ip4 address show shows IPv4 address
ip4 netmask set "{ip_address}" sets IPv4 netmask
ip4 netmask show shows IPv4 netmask
ip4 gateway set "{ip_address}" sets IPv4 gateway address
ip4 gateway show shows IPv4 gateway address
ip4 dns set "{ip_address}" sets IPv4 DNS server address
ip4 dns show shows IPv4 DNS server address
ip4 dhcp enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables IPv4 DHCP on/off
ip4 dhcp enabled show shows IPv4 DHCP state
ip6 enters cmd group "ip6"
ip6 enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables IPv6 on/off
ip6 enabled show shows if IPv6 is enabled
ip6 routadv enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables IPv6 router advertisement
ip6 routadv enabled show shows IPv6 router advertisement state
ip6 dhcp enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables IPv6 DHCP on/off
ip6 dhcp enabled show shows if IPv6 DHCP is enabled
ip6 address show show all IPv6 addresses
ip6 gateway show show all IPv6 gateways
ip6 dns show show all IPv6 DNS server
ip6 manual enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables manual IPv6 addresses
ip6 manual enabled show shows if manual IPv6 addresses are enabled
ip6 manual address {1..4} set "{ip_address}" sets manual IPv6 address
ip6 manual address {1..4} show shows manual IPv6 address
ip6 manual gateway set "{ip_address}" sets manual IPv6 gateway address
ip6 manual gateway show shows manual IPv6 gateway address
ip6 manual dns {1..2} set "{ip_address}" sets manual IPv6 DNS server address
ip6 manual dns {1..2} show shows manual IPv6 DNS server address
ipacl enters cmd group "ipacl"
ipacl ping enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables ICMP ping on/off
ipacl ping enabled show shows if ICMP ping enabled
ipacl enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enable IP filter on/off
ipacl enabled show shows if IP filter enabled
ipacl filter {ipacl_num} set "{dns_name}" sets IP filter {ipacl_num}
ipacl filter {ipacl_num} show shows IP filter {ipacl_num}
linesensor enters cmd group "linesensor"
linesensor all {field_list} show shows energy sensors according field list of all line sensors
linesensor {line_num} {field_list} show shows energy sensors according field list of one line sensor
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} value show shows energy sensor of given line
linesensor {line_num} ovp show show state of Overvoltage Protection
linesensor {line_num} counter reset resets energy metering counter
linesensor {line_num} label set "{name}" sets line meter to label
linesensor {line_num} label show shows label of line meter
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} events set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables events on/off
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} events show shows if events are enabled
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} events type set "{EVT_SYSLOG=0,EVT_SNMP=1,EVT_EMAIL=2,EVT_SMS=3,EVT_GSMEMAIL=4,EVT_BEEPER =5}" enables different event types
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} events type show shows what event types are enabled
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} events beeper mode set {CONTINOUS=0| INTERMITTENT=1} sets beeper tone
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} events beeper mode show shows beeper tone
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} maxval set {float} sets maximum value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} maxval show shows maximum value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} minval set {float} sets minimum value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} minval show shows minimum value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} hyst set {float} sets hysterese value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} hyst show shows hysterese value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} publish mode set {NONE=0|INTERVAL=1|DELTA=2| INTERV_DELTA=3} sets publish mode
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} publish mode show shows publish mode
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} publish mqtt retain set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets mqtt retain
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} publish mqtt retain show shows if mqtt retain set
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} publish timer set {num_secs} sets publish time interval
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} publish timer show shows publish time interval
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} publish delta set {float} sets publish delta value
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} publish delta show shows publish delta value
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor}

{BELOWMIN=0|ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2| BELOWMAX=3} port set {port_num}

sets Port for Power Port Switching actions
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} {BELOWMIN=0|ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|

BELOWMAX=3} port show

shows Port for Power Port Switching actions
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} {BELOWMIN=0|ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|

BELOWMAX=3} state set {OFF=0|ON=1| DISABLED=2}

sets Port state for Power Port Switching actions
linesensor {line_num} {energy_sensor} {BELOWMIN=0|ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|

BELOWMAX=3} state show

shows Port state for Power Port Switching actions
linesensor {line_num} events set {OFF=0|ON=1} LEGACY - enables events on/off
linesensor {line_num} events show LEGACY - shows if events are enabled
linesensor {line_num} events type set "{EVT_SYSLOG=0,EVT_SNMP=1,EVT_EMAIL=2


LEGACY - enables different event types
linesensor {line_num} events type show LEGACY - shows what event types are enabled
linesensor {line_num} maxval set {float} LEGACY - sets maximum value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} maxval show LEGACY - shows maximum value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} minval set {float} LEGACY - sets minimum value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} minval show LEGACY - shows minimum value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} hyst set {float} LEGACY - sets hysterese value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} hyst show LEGACY - shows hysterese value for line meter
linesensor {line_num} {BELOWMIN=0| ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|BELOWMAX=3}

port set {port_num}

LEGACY - sets Port for Power Port Switching actions
linesensor {line_num} {BELOWMIN=0| ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|BELOWMAX=3}

port show

LEGACY - shows Port for Power Port Switching actions
linesensor {line_num} {BELOWMIN=0|ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|BELOWMAX=3}

state set {OFF=0|ON=1|DISABLED=2}

LEGACY - sets Port state for Power Port Switching actions
linesensor {line_num} {BELOWMIN=0| ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|BELOWMAX=3}

state show

LEGACY - shows Port state for Power Port

Switching actions

linesensor beeper set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables beeper for line meter alarms
linesensor beeper show shows if beeper for line meter alarms is enabled
modbus enters cmd group "modbus"
modbus enabled set <off=0/on=1> enables Modbus TCP support
modbus enabled show shows if Modbus is enabled
modbus port set <ip_port> sets Modbus TCP port
modbus port show shows Modbus TCP port
mqtt enters cmd group "mqtt"
mqtt {broker_idx} enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enable mqtt
mqtt {broker_idx} enabled show shows if mqtt enabled
mqtt {broker_idx} server set "{dns_name}" sets broker name
mqtt {broker_idx} server show shows broker name
mqtt {broker_idx} tls enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enable TLS
mqtt {broker_idx} tls enabled show shows if TLS enabled
mqtt {broker_idx} port set {ip_port} set broker TCP/IP port
mqtt {broker_idx} port show shows broker TCP/IP port
mqtt {broker_idx} user set "{username}" sets username
mqtt {broker_idx} user show shows username
mqtt {broker_idx} passwd set "{passwd}" sets password
mqtt {broker_idx} passwd hash set "{passwd}" sets hashed passwd
mqtt {broker_idx} client set "{name}" sets client name
mqtt {broker_idx} client show shows client name
mqtt {broker_idx} qos set {QOS0=0|QOS1=1} sets QoS level
mqtt {broker_idx} qos show shows QoS level
mqtt {broker_idx} keepalive set {num_secs} sets keep-alive time
mqtt {broker_idx} keepalive show shows keep-alive time
mqtt {broker_idx} topic set "{name}" sets topic prefix
mqtt {broker_idx} topic show shwos topic prefix
mqtt {broker_idx} console enabled set {OFF=0| ON=1} permit console cmds
mqtt {broker_idx} console enabled show shows if console cmds allowed
mqtt {broker_idx} device data timer set {num_secs} sets telemetry interval
mqtt {broker_idx} device data timer show shows telemetry interval
port enters cmd group "port"
port {port_num} state set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets port to new state
port {port_num} state show shows port state
port all state set "{port_list}" {OFF=0|ON=1} sets several ports in one cmd - e.g. port all state set "1,3,5" 1
port all state {MODE0=0|MODE1=1|MODE2=2} show shows all port states in 3 different view modes
port all set {OFF=0|ON=1|OFF_REV=2|ON_REV=3} switch all ports on/off forward or reverse
port restart all set {REINIT=0| OFF_REV_REINIT=1,OFF_REINIT=2} reinit coldstart sequence (optional first all off)
port {port_num} reset start reset sequence for port
port {port_num} toggle toggles port
port {port_num} batch set {OFF=0|ON=1} wait {num_secs} {OFF=0|ON=1} starts batch mode for port
port {port_num} batch cancel cancels batch mode
port {port_num} label set "{name}" sets port label name
port {port_num} label show shows port label name
port {port_num} initstate coldstart set {OFF=0| ON=1|REMEMBER=2} sets port coldstart initialization
port {port_num} initstate coldstart show shows port coldstart initialization
port {port_num} initstate delay set {num} sets port init delay
port {port_num} initstate delay show shows port init delay
port {port_num} repowerdelay set {num} sets port repower delay
port {port_num} repowerdelay show shows port repower delay
port {port_num} resettime set {num} sets port reset duration
port {port_num} resettime show shows port reset duration
port {port_num} watchdog enabled set {OFF=0| ON=1} sets port watchdog to on/off
port {port_num} watchdog enabled show shows port watchdog state
port {port_num} watchdog mode set {OFF=0| PORT_RESET=1|IP_MS=2|IP_MS_INV=3} sets port watchdog mode
port {port_num} watchdog mode show shows port watchdog mode
port {port_num} watchdog type set {WD_ICMP=0| WD_TCP=1} sets port watchdog type
port {port_num} watchdog type show shows port watchdog type
port {port_num} watchdog link down set {OFF=0| ON=1} sets if watchdog active when eth link down
port {port_num} watchdog link down show shows if watchdog active when eth link down
port {port_num} watchdog host set "{dns_name}" sets port watchdog host target
port {port_num} watchdog host show shows port watchdog host target
port {port_num} watchdog port set {ip_port} sets port watchdog TCP port
port {port_num} watchdog port show shows port watchdog TCP port
port {port_num} watchdog pinginterval set {num} sets port watchdog ping interval
port {port_num} watchdog pinginterval show shows port watchdog ping interval
port {port_num} watchdog pingretries set {num} sets port watchdog ping retries
port {port_num} watchdog pingretries show shows port watchdog ping retries
port {port_num} watchdog retrybooting set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets port watchdog retry booting to on/off
port {port_num} watchdog retrybooting show shows port watchdog retry booting state
port {port_num} watchdog bootretries set {num} sets port watchdog retry boot timeout
port {port_num} watchdog bootretries show hows port watchdog retry boot timeout
radius enters cmd group "radius"
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} enabled set <off=0/on=1> enables radius client
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} enabled show show if radius client enabled
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} server set "<dns_name>" sets radius server address
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} server show shows radius server address
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} password set "{passwd}" sets radius server shared secret
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} password hash set "{passwd}" sets radius server crypted shared secret
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} auth timeout set {num_secs} sets server request timeout
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} auth timeout show shows server request timeout
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} retries set {0..99} sets server number of retries
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} retries show shows server number of retries
radius chap enabled set <off=0/on=1> enables CHAP
radius chap enabled show shows if CHAP is enabled
radius message auth set <off=0/on=1> enables request message authentication
radius message auth show shows if request message authentication is enabled
radius default timeout set {num_secs} sets default session timeout (when not returned as Session-Timout Attribute)
radius default timeout show shows default session timeout
rcmb enters cmd group "rcmb"
rcmb {mod_num} state show show rcmb module state
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} value show shows RMS/DC RC values
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} output show shows module RMS/DC outputs
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} events set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables sensor events on/off
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} events show shows if sensor events are enabled
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} events type set "{EVT_SYSLOG=0,EVT_SNMP=1,EVT_EMAIL=2,EVT_BEEPER=5,EVT_DISPLAY=6,EVT_CONS


enables different event types
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} events type show shows what event types are enabled
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} events beeper mode set {CONTINOUS=0|INTERMITTENT=1} sets beeper tone
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} events beeper mode show shows beeper tone
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} maxval set {float} sets maximum value for sensor
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} maxval show shows maximum value for sensor
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} minval set {float} sets minimum value for sensor
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} minval show shows minimum value for sensor
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} hyst set {float} sets hysterese value for sensor
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} hyst show shows hysterese value for sensor
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} publish mode set {NONE=0|INTERVAL=1|DELTA=2|


sets publish mode
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} publish mode show shows publish mode
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} publish mqtt retain set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets mqtt retain
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} publish mqtt retain show shows if mqtt retain set
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} publish timer set {num_secs} sets publish time interval
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} publish timer show shows publish time interval
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} publish delta set {float} sets publish delta value
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} publish delta show shows publish delta value
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} {BELOWMIN=0| ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|BELOWMAX=3} port set {port_num} sets power port for sensor values action
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} {BELOWMIN=0| ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|BELOWMAX=3} port show shows power port for sensor values action
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} {BELOWMIN=0| ABOVEMIN=1|ABOVEMAX=2|BELOWMAX=3} state set {OFF=0|ON=1|DISABLED=2} sets state for sensor values action
rcmb {mod_num} {RMS=0|DC=1} {BELOWMIN=0|


shows state for sensor values action
snmp enters cmd group "snmp"
snmp port set {ip_port} sets SNMP UDP port
snmp port show shows SNMP UDP port
snmp snmpget enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables SNMP GET cmds on/off
snmp snmpget enabled show show if SNMP GET cmds are enabled
snmp snmpset enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables SNMP SET cmds on/off
snmp snmpset enabled show show if SNMP SET cmds are enabled
snmp snmpv2 enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables SNMP v2 on/off
snmp snmpv2 enabled show show if SNMP v2 is enabled
snmp snmpv2 public set "{text}" enables SNMP v3 on/off
snmp snmpv2 public show show if SNMP v3 isenabled
snmp snmpv2 private set "{text}" sets SNMP v2 public cummnity
snmp snmpv2 private show shows SNMP v2 public community
snmp system {CONTACT=0|NAME=1| LOCATION=2} set "{text}" sets sysLocation/sysName/sysContact
snmp system {CONTACT=0|NAME=1|LOCATION=2} show gets sysLocation/sysName/sysContact
snmp snmpv3 enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets SNMP v2 private community
snmp snmpv3 enabled show shows SNMP v2 private community
snmp snmpv3 username set "{text}" sets SNMP v3 username
snmp snmpv3 username show shows SNMP v3 username
snmp snmpv3 authalg set {NONE=0|MD5=1| SHA1=2|SHA256=3|SHA384=4|SHA512=5} sets SNMP v3 authentication
snmp snmpv3 authalg show show SNMP v3 authentication algorithm
snmp snmpv3 privalg set {NONE=0|DES=1| 3DES=2|AES128=3|AES192=4|AES256=5| AES192*=6|AES256*=7} sets SNMP v3 privacy algorithm
snmp snmpv3 privalg show show SNMP v3 privacy algorithm
snmp snmpv3 authpasswd set "{passwd}" sets SNMP v3 authentication password
snmp snmpv3 privpasswd set "{passwd}" sets SNMP v3 privacy password
snmp snmpv3 authpasswd hash set "{passwd}" sets SNMP v3 authentication hashed password
snmp snmpv3 privpasswd hash set "{passwd}" sets SNMP v3 privacy hashed password
snmp trap type set {NONE=0|V1=1|V2=2|V3=3} sets type of SNMP traps
snmp trap type show show SNMP trap type
snmp trap receiver {trap_num} set "{dns_name}" sets address and port of SNMP trap receiver {trap_num}
snmp trap receiver {trap_num} show show address and port of SNMP trap receiver {trap_num}
syslog enters cmd group "syslog"
syslog enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables syslog msgs on/off
syslog enabled show show if syslog enabled
syslog server set "{dns_name}" sets address of syslog server
syslog server show shows address of syslog server
system enters cmd group "system"
system beeper manual set {OFF=0|ON=1} {millisec} manually sets beeper with optional duration
system beeper manual show shows beeper state
system restart restarts device
system fabsettings restore fab settings and restart device
system bootloader enters bootloader mode
system flushdns flush DNS cache
system uptime number of seconds the device is running
system name show shows device name
system version show shows actual firmware version
system display {disp_num} default extsensor {port_num} {sen_type} set {sen_field} shows external sensor
system display {disp_num} default linesensor {line_num} set {sen_field} shows energy line sensor
system display {disp_num} default set {BLANK=0,LOCAL_TIME=1,UTC_TIME=2} shows other contents
system display {disp_num} default show shows default setting for display
system display default hash set "{data}" sets hashed display setting
system display default hash show shows hashed display setting
system sensor {VSYS=0|VAUX=1|VMAIN=2| TCPU=3} show shows internal sensors if model supports it
system {SWITCH_PORT=0} events set {OFF=0| ON=1} enable global events
system {SWITCH_PORT=0} events show shows if global events enabled


enables different event types
system {SWITCH_PORT=0} events type show shows what event types are enabled
system {SWITCH_PORT=0} events mqtt retain set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets mqtt retain
system {SWITCH_PORT=0} events mqtt retain show shows if mqtt retain set
system panel enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} blocks panel buttons when not enabled
system panel enabled show shows if panel buttons are enabled
system panel port all set {OFF=0|ON=1} enable siwtch all relays from panel buttons
system panel port all show shows if siwtch all relays from panel buttons enabled
timer enters cmd group "timer"
timer enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables timer functions
timer enabled show shows if timer a enabled
timer syslog facility set {0..23} sets facility level for timer syslog
timer syslog facility show shows facility level for timer syslog
timer syslog verbose set {0..7} sets verbose level for timer syslog
timer syslog verbose show shows verbose level for timer syslog
timer {rule_num} enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables rule
timer {rule_num} enabled show shows if rule is enabled
timer {rule_num} name set "{name}" sets name of rule
timer {rule_num} name show shows name of rule
timer {rule_num} {FROM=0|UNTIL=1} set "{yyyymm-dd}" sets date range of rule
timer {rule_num} {FROM=0|UNTIL=1} show shows date range of rule
timer {rule_num} trigger jitter set {0..65535} sets jitter for rule
timer {rule_num} trigger jitter show show jitter of rule
timer {rule_num} trigger random set {0..100} sets probability for rule
timer {rule_num} trigger random show shows rule probability
timer {rule_num} trigger {HOUR=0|MIN=1|SEC=2| DAY=3|MON=4|DOW=5} set "{time_date_list}" sets time date list
timer {rule_num} trigger {HOUR=0|MIN=1|SEC=2| DAY=3|MON=4|DOW=5} show shows time date list
timer {rule_num} action mode set {SWITCH=1| CLI=2} sets switch or cli cmd
timer {rule_num} action mode show shows if switch or cli cmd
timer {rule_num} action {SWITCH1=0| SWITCH2=1} {OFF=0|ON=1} set "{port_list}" sets port list for switch cmd
timer {rule_num} action {SWITCH1=0| SWITCH2=1} {OFF=0|ON=1} show shows port list for switch cmd
timer {rule_num} action delay set {0..65535} delay between cmds
timer {rule_num} action delay show shows delay between cmds
timer {rule_num} action console set "{cmd}" sets cmd string
timer {rule_num} action console show shows cmd string
timer {rule_num} action hash set "{data}" sets action binary form
timer {rule_num} action hash show shows action binary form
timer {rule_num} delete delete one timer
timer delete all delete all timer
vt100 enters cmd group "vt100"
vt100 echo set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets console echo state
vt100 echo show shows console echo state
vt100 numeric set {OFF=0|ON=1} sets numeric mode
vt100 numeric show shows numeric mode state
vt100 reset resets terminal